Texas Girls Coaches Association
Track & Field All-State Nomination Form


Deadline: Monday noon prior to the state track meet.



TGCA members may nominate athletes for All-State honors.  They need not be seniors.


Nominee (First, Last)_____________________________________________________


Grade:  (circle one)      9      10      11      12

Events and Times or Distances: _______________________________________________





Outstanding Honors Won this Season: ___________________________________________





Outstanding Honors Won in the Past: ___________________________________________






Nominating Coach (First, Last)____________________________________________


School ______________________________ City ______________________________


TGCA Membership Number_______________________


Conference:  (circle one)      1A       2A       3A       4A       5A       6A


TGCA Region:  (circle one)   1        2          3          4          5          6          7          8





                  I certify all information to be correct.



Revised by vote of the membership at the annual business meeting on July 10, 2014.